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Day 1, February Wednesday, 24th

9 am – 5.00 pm CET: Change Management and New Target Operating Models in the Wake of Corona

09.00 – 09.30 Opening/Keynote Kanton Zug – Beat Bachmann: Attractiveness of Location Switzerland in light of Corona“
09.30 – 10.00 Hochschule Luzern – Prof. Dr. René Hüsler: Task Force Aufgaben, Ansätze, IT challenges,…
10.00 – 10.30 Codex Herber Sterchi – Gesundheitsmanagement-Verband Kanton Zug
10.30 – 11.00 Nagy & Stolzmann – Jeanette Nagy – Kommunikationsstrategien und Krisenmanagement
11.00 – 11.30 Talkrunde:  Lösungsorientiertes Krisenmanagement bei Wirtschaftskrisen und Krisenzeiten
                        Moderator: Uwe Stolzmann,
                        Gäste: Kanton Zug, Codex, Ultimativer Erfolg Event GmbH
11.30 – 12.00 Tino Ahlers – Interview mit einem Überraschungsgast – Fitness and workout without gym and home office
12.00 – 13.00 Break for Lunch
13.00 – 16.30  Digitalization push – positive impacts and project examples:
                         PwC – Karsten Hegel: Mega Trends in 2020 and how to turn challenges into success
                         Appian  Software –  Greg Adams: Solutions created to address certain Covid challenges (Workforce Safety etc.)
                         ELCA Canton de Vaud – How Cantons deal with the local challenges and the positive impact of IT
16.30 – 17.00 Closing

20+ Speakers 1’000+ Attendees

Yearly recurring event. Walk-the-talk only.